Playing Dress Up on YouTube and Earning A Living As An Artist
I decided to make a living as an artist. We all have to have day jobs though and I decided to try to make YouTube my day job. I had the wonderful benefit of Unemployment Insurance to cover my expenses while I learned to shoot and edit my own videos. I quickly discovered that having a good youtube channel is just not enough to gain attention, so used help from The Marketing Heaven to build a following. Being a youtuber is so much more than a job though! Making these videos showing all I have learned in my 25 years in the movie business has been so emotional
how to earn money on youtube and cathartic for me! But the question remains, can I earn a living from it? I don’t know the answer to that yet. This is my first month with no safety net. This is why I paired my overhead down as low as I can – so that I can make it through these lean times. SHAMELESS PLUG SINCE IT’S THE END OF THE MONTH: See that little “i” in the upper right hand corner? I have Fan Funding enabled. If you like my videos and the message of positivity I am trying to spread to women my age, you can contribute! One dollar once a month…..Thank you!!!!!
It took six months of building my YouTube channel to get a following of 5K subscribers which is the magic number to apply for sponsorships. Sponsors combined with buying YouTube views are the ways YouTubers make money. Which sounds great but there are a lot of YouTubers out there and not all that many sponsors. My videos appeal to women over 35, which means only sponsors that want that demographic will be interested in me. Companies nowadays tend to invest a lot in their research tactics (for example, hiring companies like Qualtrics) for the perfect launch and smooth sales of their product. They often resort to methods that include sending samples to content creators like me to spread the word about their company and products.
But hey, I got a sponsor!!! No. I am not getting rich. But I am getting paid to do work that I love. And more importantly, allows me freedom to pursue acting! Now if I could just get 10 more!!
I am demonstrating and reviewing the anti-aging serums TightEye and TightNeck and I am very pleased with them. I’ve always been casual about skin care, though I should probably shape up on that front. Appearance might not matter too much for a YouTuber doing sports commentary or movie reviews, but when you’re doing makeup and fashion like I am then it’s important to have a care routine to keep you looking fresh. In fact, many gurus online often post their latest skinceutical care routine, so if I wanted to enhance my own I could always look at them for some inspiration.
My sponsorship with TightEye and TightNeck is going well I think. Using a quality product like these will make a huge difference on the career front! How could looking better be a bad thing? I will be doing weekly reviews and I’m calling them TightTuesdays so check them out!!
Things have been leaner than I like on the acting front. Got an infomercial last month. Hardly any auditions this month. But things ebb and flow like this in the movie biz. I’ve got a small part in something coming up… I’ll save that for my next post though…..