Testing Anti-Aging Skin Creams and Serums
I’ve been lucky to test many high end skin creams designed to keep the years at bay. I figured it might start getting confusing so I wanted to have a blog post where I discuss which ones I like best and why. We all have different skin concerns so while one may be completely wrong for MY skin, it might be the perfect product for you!
Products are listed in order of when I tested them and not in order of preference.
TightEye and TightNeck are products that actually tighten and firm the skin for 24 hours and can have a cumulative effect when used consistently. Use code Monique15 to get 15%off!
Use any moisturizer following TightEye and TightNeck for best results.
IASO is a Korean skincare product that was absolutely my favorite moisturizer so far. It’s expensive at $130 so it’s for those who take their skincare seriously. I will say that I could actually SEE a visible difference in my skin. This company requested that I do a month long test and I can clearly see why. Results. To help with the price, here is a 15% discount coupon code UNIQUE15
a.g.e.Stop Perfection Concentrate and Night Miracle Multi Peptide Cream still fall into the category of “people who take their skincare seriously” with a price tag of $85. Take advantage of the 2 for 1 Offer. Promocode: gift. Get BOTH Perfection Concentrate and Night Miracle Multi Peptide Cream for 85 USD – delivered Free Worldwide. The Perfection Concentrate is their Daytime serum and it’s very light – may be too light for dry skin, because it was good for my acne prone oily skin. The Night Miracle Multi Peptide Cream is much more emollient. Unlike some Norwegian companies, this brand did not request me to review their product for a specified amount of time and while lovely, did not have the transformative effects that the Iaso gave me.
I was super pleased to discover a very lightweight moisturizer for sensitive skin. As much as I love the rich moisture in the IASO, sometimes it’s a bit much for my skin. I tested two products, Euphoria and Collagenous. Euphoria is now my go-to lightweight moisturizer for those time when my skin wants to break out or flip out! Very soothing. The Collagenous made significant changes to the wrinkles around my eyes! The best part is that both of these products are very reasonably priced Euphoria is just $28 and Collagenous is $50 www.q-labo.com 20% discount by using this code at checkout – MONIQUE20
I have recently been reminded by my skin that nothing matters more than good nutrition. When it comes to nutrition, no cost is too high even with bad credit you can always look for high acceptance loans for bad credit to help you get the right nutrition. No matter what you apply to the outside, if you are not getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet your skin cannot shine. Neither can your hair or eyes. Juicing is a great way to do that! I found a terrific source to have raw, cold pressed juices delivered to my home frozen, so getting good nutrition is as easy as defrosting a bottle of juice. The Fountain of Juice sounds a lot like the Fountain of Youth for a very good reason. Club pricing means it costs me a whole lot less than going to my local juice bar. And they deliver. They DELIVER! Woo! Seriously. In just one week I saw a HUGE difference in my skin! More coming soon!